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Me and my baby!

Well, well, well, well, well!  Look what we have here!  A could weeks ago, I got a couple copies of my new book, Leo Geo and His Miraculous Journey Through the Center of the Earth.  I'm the proudest book daddy ever!  I'm so happy with how it turned out!  The cover is coated in a matte finish, as opposed to a gloss finish, which looks super-duper classy!  The interior pages are printed on a cream paper, and they have a really nice weight to them.  I'm such a book geek!

For those of you that have a copy of the old-school Leo Geo; this version has been completely redrawn, and the story has been tightened up like tight socks.

The only kicker is that the book doesn't officially come out until March 13, 2012, so for now, I just have my 3 copies left in my office for me to drool over.  I'll be bring it to conventions to show around, so if you see me, I'd love to show it to you!


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I know that I have gotten behind in my Bikeman posting...  What has happened was that I got to the end of the posts that I have pre-loaded.  I'm going to be re-loading a new batch of pages.  I just finished page 310 tonight, so that should last me for at least a little while. 

In other news, I got my copies of Leo Geo in from China two weeks ago.  The book isn't released until March 13, 2012 (!?!) but I have a couple copies under my wing in the meantime.  I'll post some photos in the soon future.