
Robots are something that I keep coming back to!

So, I've been inspired by Colleen Frakes to try to limit myself to as few tools on a project as possible. So now (amongst my other projects) I'm going to try to draw things that I would usually NEVER try to draw with a nib. I really love the nib. I pretty much exclusively use a Hunt 102 nib. So drawing no. 1 is a robot. ALL THOSE STRAIGHT LINES! SO INORGANIC! This one was tricky!


Ned Hugar said...

I know that the thing on his shoulder is an air vent but I am choosing to believe that it is a slot for warming up celery!

Alec Longstreth said...

I like a little shake in my lines. A ruler is fine for penciling, but if you ink "by hand" there will be so much more life in your drawings.

I think I've got some 102s sitting around. I ought to give them to you, as I've stopped using them!

Jon Chad said...

someone else said the vents looked like they had trees in them.

alec - man, oh man you KNOW that I am not beyond some art swappin'