
Bikeman Page 1

Well, this is it!  One of my primary reasons for giving it another try at this whole web thing is that I really wanted to start posting pages from the graphic novel I've been working on for the past year and a half called Bikeman.  I started writing Bikeman back in college but put it on the back burner for a super-duper long time because I wasn't sure I was ready for a long format story.  I restarted the project once I got my teaching job at the Center for Cartoon Studies.  The comics-making atmosphere was so incredible that all of my apprehensions about doing a longer work vanished.

Bikeman is centered around a man who lives in the forest and herds bicycles.  His love and understanding of bikes gives them a sort of life of their own.  That's what the story is in a nutshell, BUT it's not that simple.  There are a couple people out to get the Bikeman and the family he's made for himself.

I've already completed 250 pages of the story thus far.  My original intention was to complete the book in its entirety and then *BAM* hit the streets and share it with the world, but more and more I've realized that I really couldn't wait to share it.  So, for the foreseeable future, I will be posting 2 pages of Bikeman every week.  One on Tuesday, and one on Friday.  I'm really excited to get this out there and to hear your feedback!

Also, Bikeman won't be the only thing I'll be posting here!  I'll have other illustrations and sketches of stuff I've been working on, pages from anthology stuff that I'm contributing to, as well as what's going on in the vast circus that is Jon Chad.  It'll be super duper fun!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay! I'm excited to see it!